Four cars collided in Kiev

29 November 2017, 09:29 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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On Victory Avenue, four cars collided at once. As reported by eyewitnesses, the traffic accident occurred on the overpass of Nivki.

Here, for unknown reasons, faced Honda, Opel, Toyota and Hyundai. As a result of the incident, cars suffered severe mechanical damage.

There are no dead or injured after the road accident, "the patrol policemen assured, adding that they are now setting the causes of the accident.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, in the capital on Monday evening, November 27, the car knocked down two crossings that crossed the street in an unidentified place. As a result of the accident, a man died, and an ambulance took the woman to the hospital. As reported by eyewitnesses, the accident occurred on Lobanovsky Avenue.

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