Bogdan Popova began to testify on the attack on the store

29 November 2017, 01:22 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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This was reported by the speaker of the Moscow prosecutor's office Nadezhda Maksimets. He also noted that consideration of petitions for choosing a measure of restraint for both minors will be held today at two and four in the afternoon in the Obolonsky district court of the capital.

At the same time, according to her, teenagers have already begun to talk about their attack.

Recall, on the eve of Popov's son refused to testify.

As reported URA-Inform, an attack on a grocery store in the Obolonsky district occurred on November 26. Adolescents in balaclavas, threatening with a pistol, took two thousand hryvnia from the cash register. One of them was caught on the spot, another in a few minutes detained by the police.

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