The man at the station "Chernigov" fell on the rails

16 August 2017, 17:53 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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Such data was recently disseminated by the adviser to the head of the enterprise "Kiev Metro" - H. Makogon. According to her words - at the metro station "Chernigovskaya" a man suddenly fell onto the rails, it happened in the absence of a pass.

As a result, the metro workers cut off power supply, helped the person. The passenger was not injured - said Makogon. The station was also called an ambulance - to check the state of health of the victim. Also found out the identity of a person and all the details of what happened. The incident did not affect the train schedule.

As reported URA-Inform, in June in the metro of the capital the man fell to the rails - at the station "Akademgorodok".

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