The Molotov cocktail was thrown at the Kiev office

16 August 2017, 14:13 | Kiev
photo Корреспондент.net
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In Kiev on the night of August 16, unknown persons threw a Molotov cocktail in the office window of the administrative building on Degtyarevskaya Street, which led to a fire. On Wednesday, August 16, the press center of the State Emergency Service. "On August, 16th in 1. 01 in the operational-coordination center of the Main Directorate of the DSNC of Ukraine in. Kiev received a message on the fire on the street. Degtyarevskaya ... As it turned out, the fire occurred in a two-story office building on the first floor in one of the offices on an area of ??30 square meters. Already in 1. 28 the fire was localized, and in 1. 37 - liquidated, "the message says.. According to the preliminary version, the cause of the fire is arson - from the scene of law enforcement authorities, a bottle with an incendiary mixture. There are no victims or victims. In Kievobladostroystve they stated that arson could be revenge for the demolition of small architectural forms. "I regard this act as a threat or revenge to the enterprise, which for the past three years has been pursuing a consistent policy of cleaning illegal temporary facilities throughout Kiev," said Acting Director of the Communist Party Andrey Andreev. It is reported that now the utility operates in normal mode.

As reported, the last resonant case of demolition of outlets was fixed in the capital on the night of July 25, when unknown bulldozers demolished the market on the Forest Massif along Kyoto Street. Later, the authorities explained that the shopping mall was demolished by a court decision. At the same time, the executive services of the Desniansky District. Earlier in the capital demolished trade outlets near the entrance to the metro station Petrivka. Prior to this, kiosks were demolished at the Olimpyskaya metro station and in the subway crossing of Friendship of Peoples dismantled MAFs.

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