On Wednesday, the capital funicular again

16 August 2017, 13:07 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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After major repairs, he will resume his work at 12 noon. As the press service of the municipal enterprise "Kyivpastrans" informs, yesterday the annual scheduled works of the unique urban transport.

To ensure trouble-free operation of the funicular, specialists conducted routine maintenance and major repairs of individual units.

In particular, the equipment of wagons, electronic, mechanical, electrical, pneumatic equipment of occasions, conducted static and dynamic tests, - explained in the department, adding that today in the morning experts checked the operation of the funicular and gave permission for its operation for the next year.

Let's remind, repair works on a funicular railway proceeded since July, 17th, 2017.

As reported URA-Inform, the funicular was stopped for a month.

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