In the capital it is forbidden to swim on five beaches, and on six - it is not recommended

16 August 2017, 11:35 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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Another six is ??not recommended to enter the water. This is stated on the website of the public utility company "Pleso".

According to the information, for today on all eleven beaches of Kiev bathing is forbidden or not recommended.

In particular, on beaches "Central", "Verbny", "Pushcha-Voditsa", "Rainbow" and "Telbin" to swim it is forbidden.

Meanwhile on the beaches of "Children", "Venice", "Golden", "Youth", "Predmost Slobodka" and "Chertoroy" bathing is not recommended.

Recall, in Odessa, it is temporarily not recommended to swim on the beaches in the sea after heavy rains.

As reported URA-Inform, August 14, in Odessa there were heavy rains, and surface waters hit the water area of ??the beaches of Odessa. In order not to deteriorate the epidemiological situation, as well as for the prevention of diseases that are transmitted along the water, it is recommended to abstain for a time from swimming in the sea.

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