In Kiev, double the tariff for the maintenance of local areas

11 August 2017, 19:50 | Kiev
photo Корреспондент.net
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Kyiv City State Administration has twice increased the tariff for the maintenance of local areas. This is reported by channel 24. In August, Kyivans will receive payments with new tariffs. Those who have the house cleaned by housing office, the cost has almost doubled - up to 5 hryvnia per square meter. Some residents will pay even more - up to 8 UAH. The new tariffs include cleaning the yard itself, the entrance, the roof, washing the windows and servicing the elevator.

According to the deputy chairman of the KCSA Petr Panteleyev, the tariffs were raised, because the money that the managing companies received earlier was not enough for the props, or for a decent wage bill. "The janitor received a meager salary. The head of the housing office in this situation himself understood that it was immoral to demand this from the janitor. Now we are talking about the fact that if there is a resource, then it should be used for its intended purpose, "he said.. Recall earlier reported that in Kiev, the tariffs for hot water.

Author: 1.

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