In the capital for a day found two drowned people

11 August 2017, 19:37 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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So, during the last day of two drowned people in the reservoirs of the city found rescuers. Such data was disseminated by the press service of the State Dispatch Service. On the morning of the tenth of August there was a report about a drowned man in the "Raduzhnoe" lake, that in the Dniprovsky district of the capital. Soon the body of a man born in 1951 was extracted.

There was also a second call about the drowned man - in the "Almaznoe" lake, in the Desniansky district of the capital, ten meters from the shore, found the body of a man born in 1965.

As reported URA-Inform, the body of a man was previously found in the lake "Vigurovskoe" - in May 2017.

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