In Kiev, near the station there was shooting, there are wounded

10 August 2017, 12:26 | Kiev
photo Корреспондент.net
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In Kiev, on Vokzalnaya Square, two unknown persons opened fire from traumatic weapons, injuring three people. On this morning on Thursday, August 10, on its page in the social network Facebook reported the head of the communications department of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kiev Oksana Blyshchik.

It is noted that two unknown people were shooting, between which, shortly before the conflict occurred.

"At 9:50 am, the duty department received a message that two culprits shot at the railway station near the public catering establishment near the railway station, presumably from traumatic weapons," wrote Blyshchik.

As a result of the incident, three men were injured. They have injuries of hands and feet. They were already taken to the hospital.

It is known that the gunmen disappeared.

On-site shooting patrol police patrols and investigative-operational groups of the district and the Main Directorate of the National Police of Kiev.

Look at the photo gallery: In Kiev, near the station, there was shooting, there are wounded. Look at the photo gallery: In Kiev, near the station, there was shooting, there are wounded. Look at the photo gallery: In Kiev, near the station there was shooting, there are wounded. Earlier, shooting was recorded in the Dnieper district of Kiev.

Author: 1.

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