In Kiev, a trolley flew into the wall of a residential building

04 August 2017, 16:35 | Kiev
photo Корреспондент.net
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In the capital on Syretsky Street, the trolleybus, at the exit from the Kurenivsky depot, crashed into the wall of the apartment house at full speed. This is reported by dtp. Kiev. Ua on Facebook. "On the Syretsky trolleybus left the depot without braking, directly into the wall of the house. Miraculously there were no victims. Whether the transport has left in a faulty state or the driver has become bad - it will find out the investigation. A big cork, "the message says.. Recall previously reported that in Odessa, a trolley rammed the wall of the bank after it flew into the car. In Kharkov car flew into the trolley, there are victims Author: 1.

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