On the construction site in Kiev collapsed soil, there is a dead - PHOTOS,

04 August 2017, 15:53 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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This is stated in the press service of the State Service of Ukraine for Emergencies.

As noted, in the operational and coordination center of the General Directorate of the SSES in Kiev received a message that the result of the collapse of the soil at a depth of about 3 m is a person.

Thus, rescuers of the 8th State Fire and Rescue Unit and a technical service unit were immediately sent to the place of call.

According to the police, they seized the body from the ground and handed over to ambulance workers. In turn, doctors only ascertained his death.

"The dead was 44 years old," the message says..

Currently, law enforcement agencies are investigating the causes and circumstances of the occurrence of an emergency.

Recall, as previously reported, "URA-Inform, in Kiev on the street Tatar 18-B staged a shooting. The victim was a young man who received five gunshot wounds.

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