Cool points were created near Kiev

04 August 2017, 13:57 | Kiev
photo Корреспондент.net
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In the city of Bucha, Kyiv region, 7 stationary cooling and drinking water distribution points. This is reported on the website of the Kyiv Regional State Administration. So, you can cool down at the following addresses: 1. Rehabilitation Center (ul.. State farm, 8). The center works round the clock. Charitable Christian Foundation (ul.. Kievo-Mirotskaya, 86). The center works round the clock. State Fire and Rescue Unit (ul. Pushkinskaya, 59-a). The center works round the clock.

Department of Labor and Social Protection of Population (bul.. Khmelnitsky, 5/5-a). The center works with 8. 00 to 17. 00 5. Buchansky city polyclinic (ul.. Field, 21/10). The center works with 8. 00 to 18. 00 6. Day hospital (ul. Pushkinskaya, 59-e). The center works with 8. 00 to 15. 00 7. Buchan children's polyclinic. Khmelnitsky, 2). The schedule is still unknown. Again, on Friday, August 4, in six regions of Ukraine, the temperature will rise to +330 degrees.

Author: 1.

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