More than 500 law enforcement officers will provide security in the center of Kiev

04 August 2017, 13:06 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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This is reported by the Police Communications Department of Kiev.

As noted, the reinforced police patrols will serve not only in the places of events, but also in the adjacent territories. In particular at the stations of the Kiev subway, as well as at public transport stops.

In connection with this metropolitan law enforcers urge citizens to behave in a civilized manner, tolerate each other.

In addition, employees of strict order urged Kyivans and guests of the capital not to violate public order and to assist police officers in fulfilling their function of ensuring public security and order.

Recall, as previously reported, "URA-Inform, in the Ukrainian capital will partially restrict traffic in connection with the repair of asphalt concrete.

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