In the capital there will be a day under the motto "On a bicycle to work"

21 April 2017, 06:17 | Kiev
photo УРА-Информ
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So, the meeting place of all the participants of the action in 2017 was decided to be changed to Mariinsky Park. Such a decision was made, because repairs are taking place on Maidan.

Such information was disseminated by the KSCA. According to this information - all participants of the event have already received an invitation for morning coffee in the indicated park - from eight in the morning until ten in the morning, the message says.. At the same time members of the association of cyclists of the capital invited everyone to send on a given day to work on a bicycle. Also, a holiday will be organized with gifts and breakfast.

As reported URA-Inform, from 2016 on the streets of the Dnieper began to work police bike patrols.

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