In the application "

Yesterday, 20:30 | Ukraine
photo Bigmir
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From now on, the owners of the registered weapons can use digital resolution in the DIA application. . .

What can be done through?

The digital resolution on the weapon has the same legal advantages as the paper analogue. .

Why is it important?

Previously, the resolution to the weapon was issued in the form of a paper book with manuscript records. . . .

In 2023, the Ministry of Internal Affairs created a unified register of weapons, on the basis of which a service was launched in. .

Safety and convenience of digital resolution in DIA cannot be faked, and law enforcement officers can instantly check its legality. .

To use the service, you need to update the DII application, go to the documents section, click "

Recall that the STR warriors captured 9 Russian military near Pokrovsky (video). .

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