Without one stage: in Ukraine, school subject Olympiads were canceled

Today, 15:21 | Ukraine
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The educational process in Ukraine is changing. So, recently canceled the issuance of silver and gold medals in schools. Now the Ministry of Education and Science (Mon) canceled the school stage of annual student subject Olympiads. About this writes the publication of Osvit. UA.

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In the mon, an updated position on the student Olympiad and tournament traffic containing appropriate changes was presented.

So, from the next school year, the All -Ukrainian Olympiads will be held in three stages, and not at four, as it was before.

“The first stage will be the local stage, which provides for open registration of all coming students. Schoolchildren will be able to take part in this stage without intermediation of a school or teachers, having independently passed preliminary registration, ”the report said.

In the mon, it was added that the venue for olympiads at the local level and the number of such support cells will determine each area separately, taking into account its needs and the structure of the region.

When we are talking about educational losses, we usually imply the help of weak students to catch up with knowledge gaps.

And what about the strong? After all, they also suffer losses if they do not create conditions for development. Talented children need to be found, transplanted like a flower, in good soil, cherish and water. These are our future breakthrough technologies, Nobel prizes and capital. More detailed about this - in the article of the editor of the Department of Education and Science ZN. UA Oksana Onishchenko " How the Ministry of Education wants to change the rules of the Olympiads "

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