The government regulated the departure of artists and media abroad

05 March 2025, 17:09 | Ukraine
Фото: Кабінет Міністрів України
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The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted changes governing the procedure for traveling abroad for military -liable artists and media workers. This was announced at a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Humanitarian and Information Policy by Deputy Minister of Culture and Strategic Communications on European Integration Andrei Vozhos. Until now, the Ministry of Culture accepted all appeals to go to consideration, but with a new mechanism, requests are sent to the relevant institutions, such as Goskino or GOSTLENDARIARY REGIONARY. These bodies will work out documents, check them, and the Ministry of Culture will receive already verified packages for decision making. This will accelerate the process. According to innovations, a letter of assistance to the departure will now be signed only by the Minister or the person acting his duties. To submit documents in the Ministry of Culture, a minimum period of 15 days before departure is set. The maximum term of stay abroad is 60 days with the possibility of extending in exceptional cases. This period is enough to resolve working issues, said the deputy minister. In order to receive a letter of work, artists and media people must submit an invitation and military accounting document. At the same time, for media involved in measures related to the functioning of the United24 multimedia platform, the Ministry of Cyphra can be connected, which will provide the necessary verification. Also, for artists planning to raise funds for defense forces, a new reporting mechanism is introduced. Upon returning abroad, they are obliged to report on how much and which team will be transferred to. For individual entrepreneurs who want to leave, new rules have also been introduced. They will be able to apply for departure, provided that their activities are registered and lasts at least three years.

Innovations will take effect after publication in the " We will remind, earlier the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications from March 3 suspended the issuance of letters to the State Border Service of Ukraine for the departure to artists and media people outside Ukraine. We add that last year the GBR exposed 120 officials who organized illegal crossing of military liable men across the border. New VID in Telegram that WhatsApp. PIDS INSIALLY OUR CANEL HTTPS: // T. Me/korrespondentnet ts WhatsApp Author: 1.

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