People's Deputy Kormyshkina's husband was suspected of legalizing property

24 January 2025, 00:49 | Ukraine
Фото: Ірина Кормишкіна/Фейсбук
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NABU and SAPO suspect the husband of MP from the Servant of the People Irina Kormyshkina of legalizing property that his wife acquired illegally, as well as failure to declare this property. NABU reported this on Thursday, January 23. . . . . 2 tbsp. 209 and h. 2 tbsp. 366-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, according to which, if his guilt is proven, he faces imprisonment for up to eight years. . Subsequently, the people's choice was taken on bail by the head of the Servant of the People faction, David Arakhamia, and the head of the Nikolaev OVA Vitaly Kim. . . Kormyshkin is the owner of the PAEK agricultural holding. .

After Maidan, he was elected from the Our Land party.. This is a banned party, headed by state traitor Andrei Derkach. . . For this money she bought a house near Odessa, where she lives. But already in October, HACS chose a preventive measure in the form of personal guarantee for a current MP who was charged with illegal enrichment. . The dialogue included phrases such as “working woman” and “ship pine”. . Subscribe to our channels https://t. me/korrespondentnet and WhatsApp Author: 1.

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