Zustrich in memory of a legendary friend until his birthday

15 November 2024, 19:26 | Ukraine
photo Odessa Daily
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12 leaf fall occurred 65 years ago on the birthday of the legendary Odessa resident Oleksiy Semenishchev.

The idol of Odessa is a renowned musician, bard, actor, writer, director, people, gifted with countless talents, unsuitable for all things from the life of the past. 1st axis - the day of my birthday has arrived. The bright memory of the face with a guitar is alive. Aunt Zelenska, Oleksiya’s squad, his muse, his faithful soul mate and closest friend Valery Chernis, gathered close friends from the All-World Club of Odessa. Otzhe Oleksiy - member of the East Kazakhstan region.

Everyone who knew came to the call, not paying attention to the important hour of war. Tse bula more warmth of goodness, nostalgic zustrich. Kozhen from those present shared their thoughts about Oleksiya, saying kind words and, obviously, singing, reading the verses and engravings on various instruments. Oleksiy not only collected and compiled his favorite Odessa songs, but he was one of the greatest guardians of the spirit of Odessa. Yogo was called Vartovi chasu. In addition, reasonable, witty, widely erudite Oleksiy’s minds divvavat, zmushuvat listeners think, rejoice, sumuvat, worry and splutter.

So, in the traditions initiated by Semenishchev, friends present in the club had their performances - Valery Chernis, Vadim Bessarab, Igor Pototsky, Lyudmila Samodayeva, Sergey Menshagin, Valentin Kuba, Karina.

Viyshov's miracle evening-concert. Such marvelous sustras will always come to Odessa residents, help them to live far away, cope with all troubles and protect the spirit of their native place.. In memory of the legendary Odessa citizen.

Margarita Korobitsina.

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