Jubilee Kaidashi

05 November 2024, 09:57 | Ukraine
photo Odessa Daily
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The days mark the 90th anniversary of the National Day of Volodymyr Naumtsev - a prominent figure of culture, Honored Artist of Ukraine, head director of the Odessa Young Looker Theater (1986 - 2011).

. A number of young people were celebrated in great rank. May 10, 2025 RUR. there will be 95 fates for the theater itself. 8 leaf fall - 90 years - from the National Day of the famous director Volodymyr Naumtsev, head director of the theater and director of the Vista-long-living theater - "

The premiere took place at Lipnya in 1992. . Gordienko. Production Designer – N. Vilkun. Musical design - M. Shoe block. Vistava is a laureate of the All-Ukrainian Literary-Mystical Prize named after Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky.

From the moment of production, leading theater artists will be involved in it. Every hour the director himself engraved the main character - Omelka Kaidasha.

The theater will take care of the present and do not wonder that in the past hour, the warehouses have changed, all the fates will be born again to full-time lives. Love's gaze on her never changes.

І axis 5 of leaf fall Odessa TYG requests all relevant theatergoers to attend the " The celebration of the theater on this day will be the greatest memory of the Master and a warm connection with the Ukrainian theatrical classics.

Margarita Korobitsina.

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