The Verkhovna Rada praised the law for strengthening the anti-corruption fight within the Ukraine Facility initiative

30 October 2024, 20:21 | Ukraine
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The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved in another reading bill No. 12039, which transfers the law to the right about corruption. This period is an important indicator of the implementation of the Plan of Ukraine within the framework of the EU Ukraine Facility program, aimed at strengthening the anti-corruption system and upgrading the legal framework in line with international standards.

As reported by the Ministry of Economy, the adoption of the law will have a significant impact on increasing the effectiveness of the investigation of corruption cases, including criminal investigations of high-ranking officials. As a result, the corruption of corruption is expected to accelerate, which will have a positive impact on the investment climate of the region..

First Advocate of the Minister of Economy Oleksiy Sobolev noted that the new law will make it possible to more effectively praise the judicial decisions of the corrupt authorities, so that we can form a friendly business environment. “The Ministry of Economy, as the national coordinator of the Plan, supports the government authorities in its implementation and will continue to ensure effective coordination of the Ukraine Facility initiative,” Sobolev said..

In addition, bill No. 12039 rejected broad support among deputies and departments. According to People's Deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak, the bill was supported by the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP) and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU). 263 people’s deputies voted for the document, which reinforces the high level of support in parliament.

The adoption of this law is an important step in promoting international standards in the field of combating corruption in Ukraine.

In addition to this investigation, the law conveys a thorough procedural protection that allows for greater insight and efficiency in the investigation of corruption crimes.

The Ukraine Facility initiative, which promotes a wide range of reforms, encourages Ukraine to properly implement anti-corruption mechanisms to discourage support from the EU. Praise for the law will therefore also directly strengthen the infrastructure of justice and increase the profitability of Ukraine for investors.

e-news. com. ua.

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