Ministry of Finance has achieved significant results in saving budget funds

15 October 2024, 18:25 | Ukraine
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The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine has achieved a significant result in saving budget funds, having saved 4.5 billion hryvnias for monitoring and controlled purchases of drones. This success is possible due to the system of strict procurement control implemented by the Bureau of Economic Security (BEB) and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU).

This was announced by the Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhailo Fedorov, who noted that opening up the drone market in 2023 has become an important milestone in the secured technological advance of Ukraine. “We eliminated bureaucracy, created sympathetic minds for the development of galusia and moved the company’s margin from 1% to 25%, which is the best indicator in the world,” Fedorov said..

The state began to purchase drones through the closed Prozorro functionality, which made it possible to arrange contracts at the most competitive prices. According to Fedorov, the market is actively developing, the number of manufacturers is growing, and there are already 150 companies selling drones to the country.

Particular respect is given to the insight of the purchaser. NABU and BEB have access to the CRM system, which contains all the information about contracts and drone characteristics, which allows you to quickly detect possible damage. Also, the drone must undergo a price examination in order to avoid the uniqueness of the product..

The control process includes price monitoring by a team of experts, NABU detectives and journalists. In case of detection of hidden prices, adjustment is required even before signing the contract. This system has already managed to save 4.

5 billion hryvnias of budget funds.

Mikhailo Fedorov also spoke about the need to control margins so that drone manufacturers do not exploit the market’s capabilities. “We praised more than 30 regulations for the liberalization of the market and the creation of friendly minds for the development of technology. It is clear that the integrity and integrity of the producers is lacking, as all incidents of damage will be recorded,” the minister said..

e-news. com. ua.

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