Recovering the first batch of armor from the USA: what we know

24 April 2024, 11:58 | Ukraine
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10th quarter The US House of Representatives approved a package of assistance to Ukraine in the amount of 60.8 billion dollars. This bill now faces consideration in the Senate and the signature of President Joe Biden. The US President has already stated that he will definitely sign the law as legislators support him. After this, Ukraine will be able to withdraw the first batch of military aid.

According to the text of the bill, Ukraine will withdraw 60.8 billion dollars, of which over 23 billion will be used to replenish reserves. Also transferred 13.8 billion in current military assets and 10 billion in economic assistance.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has already pledged support for the US aid package. This opened the way for voting in the upper chamber, which is planned for the 23rd quarter.

According to the New York Times, supplies of American ammunition to Ukraine may be cut short after the law is passed. Goods from the Pentagon's reserves in Nimechchyna will be quickly delivered by shipment to the Ukrainian border.

It is not yet known how the goods will be sent to Kiev as part of this package.

Prote Major General Patrick Ryder, press secretary to the Pentagon, indicating that more ammunition for anti-aircraft defense and artillery was a possible option..

It is also planned to send additional military personnel to the US Embassy in Kiev. Their goal is to consult and support the Ukrainian army and military forces, and not engage in military actions. However, specific details have not yet been clarified due to safety standards.

e-news. com. ua.

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