Education document in Dii: is a diploma received abroad displayed?

23 April 2024, 13:10 | Ukraine
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Access to educational documents is now available in the Diya mobile application. There are cases when a person received education abroad. Specialists from the Unified State Electronic Database for Education (USEB) said whether such a diploma will be displayed in the application.

The EGEBO explained that an education document obtained abroad will not be reflected in the “Diia”.

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“In addition, if you received your education outside of Ukraine and did not enter Ukrainian educational institutions with this document, then information about your document was not entered into the Unified State Examination of Economics,” the message says..

But a person can receive a certificate of recognition of a foreign educational document.

If necessary, you can check it in the Register of Educational Documents of the Unified State Examination of Economics by selecting the type “Certificate of Recognition of Foreign Educational Documents”. This can be done using this link.

The Unified State Examination of Economics and Economics added that now such a certificate will not be included in the application, but the list of educational documents in “Diia” continues to expand..

Previously, we wrote about whether it is possible to restore a lost diploma, knowing only the year of graduation and document number.

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