International assistance for Ukraine: ways of financing and benefits of the IMF

22 April 2024, 15:18 | Ukraine
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Ukraine, with the minds of a war, recognizes great revolutions and will require significant international financial assistance to support its budget. According to the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva, in this river Ukraine needs at least $42 billion US dollars.

Vaughn indicated that global support for Ukraine would be deprived of its importance, but at the same time determined the time for a call before the outbreak of war, when the Russian Federation turned against Ukraine. This war, according to Georgieva, is not only a human tragedy, but also a setback for world economic growth.

According to IMF estimates, Ukraine's consumption in the budgetary support for 2024 will amount to $42 billion. The head of the IMF has decided that there will be funds for financing, since international support is supporting Ukraine at this important hour.

Georgieva then stressed that in order to solve the economic problems of Ukraine and the entire region, it is important to first start a war, which has already caused a lot of troubles.

She said that this is a war - it’s not just statistics and numbers, but, let’s face it, it’s a tragedy that takes away the lives of peaceful burghers every day.

The IMF acts not only as a financial authority, but also as a voice of reason and encouragement to countries that are going through difficult times. To ensure stability and cost-effective development, it is essential to consolidate the war and strengthen all the closed sides.

e-news. com. ua.

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