The mystical song of Lesya Ukrainka on the Odessa stage

22 April 2024, 12:01 | Ukraine
photo Odessa Daily
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The Odessa Regional Academic Drama Theater, reviving the song of Lesya Ukrainka, staged Olenya Pushkina under the title “Pekelna spokusa”, 19th and 20th quarter of the year the premiere of the state-themed musical drama was held for the participation of leading actors in the theater.

Enhancing the richness of the fateful stories to the eternal plots and images of world literature preserve their demand in theatrical productions. However, these images themselves.

In Ukrainian culture, the extremely wide erudition of Lesya Ukrainka allowed the appearance of a very deep philosophical song " Without changing anything in the traditional character of Don Juan, except for the unimportant shadows of the plot, she laid a coherent social idea at the basis of the drama. The story of Don Juan's crazy bastard and Annie's heart did not deprive any of the spectators.

From the first meeting, the watchers, with frozen hearts, watched over how, under the influx of calmness of Anna's power, her dreams from popular romantic heroes were transformed into obsessive murderers and protectors of the state..

If Anna became like this through the temptation of love with a hated man, then Don Juan, it is not paradoxical, was destroyed by the mutual reciprocity of the two. Until recently, the onlookers realized that Don Juan had torn off his lancets, as if he were wrapped in a vicious addiction, and crowded and screamed: “No, I won’t give myself up to you completely, Anno! I'm not your slave! \! "

This finale of the song is very important and a lesson for all people who dared to harm other people’s squads.

The actor's dispositions are brilliant.

Presenting at a glance two readings of the play, psychologically clearly influences the decisions of the director's task. In this case, the creative process is enhanced and the skin is allowed to reflect the individual characteristics of the tragedy of the main characters.

Including images of Don Juan, Donnie Annie, the Commander, Dolores and other participants in the tragedy, the actors are working at the peak of emotional self-expression, creating a new arsenal of powerful abilities.

In my opinion, in the warehouse, in which the role of Don Juan is played by the distinguished actor of Ukraine Pavlo Chirva, the viewer clearly shows the life of the main character, as a loader of a love burden, all the strain of his bearing and, as a result, the existential defeat of his life is expressed mark with a biased wife. And in the warehouse, Don Juan - Maxim Vishtalyuk - the peeper is immersed in the sparkle of the emotional-feeling life of the beloved lover of ladies' hearts, with all its nuances and torments of doubts. Especially when Volodar has a wonderful voice, he begins to sing.

Commander at the birth of the Honored Artist of Ukraine Sergei Polyakov - the nose of the hero's internal intelligence. And Vikonne Andriy Yershov has a translator of a special statement about the correctness of power activity. To the point, the Commanders live and die on stage very effectively, making the ladies feel very worried about them during the great duel with swords and daggers.

The staging of the stage battles is quite impressive and demonstrates the mastery of the actors in Volodin’s lyar’s army. (Staging of fights - Pavlo Chirva, Mikola Bich).

Vikonavi's roles of Donnie Annie - Anna Morgunova and Anastasia Borisova are extremely beautiful, effective, expressive and completely harmonious with their Don Juans.

I need to say that the premiere production features wonderful acting duets. More Tsikava Oleksandra Tsymbalyuk - Pavlo Chirva, Polina Korets - Maxim Vishtalyuk. Spanish fiery and hotly expressive blows Nadiya Mashukova - Oleksiy Mezhevikin, Olena Ozerna - Kirilo Shvets.

People's Artist of Ukraine Olga Ravitska and Honored Artist of Ukraine Boris Smirnov blow with their crazy beauty. The skin coming out of these masters, madly, is a real surprise for the beholder.

You can see choreography by Katerina Boyko. Grandi and grandesi, painted leather, lessons from the production, mute sculptures of Alonso Berruguete carved from pure marmura. The stinks are offensive with stage movement, plasticity, and all their essence.

The stage design, decorations, lighting, beautiful musical design and the live sound of the Spanish guitar create a dreary, dark atmosphere..

Zagalom Vistava calls out the viewer's emotions and eliminates unforgettable hostility.

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