Indexation of pensions: will payments for disabled people of group III increase?

20 February 2024, 13:29 | Ukraine
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Indexation of pensions is due to take place in Ukraine from March 1. Pensions could tentatively increase by 13%. Channel 24 told whether pensions for disabled people of group III will increase after indexation.

The government provides that the average pension in Ukraine after indexation will be 6 thousand hryvnia.

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Accordingly, payments depending on the size of pensions will also increase. These include disability pensions.

Thus, persons with group III disabilities can count on the following pensions:.

people with group III disabilities – 50% of the old-age pension;

people with group III disabilities due to illness as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or liquidators - salary received in the exclusion zone in the period from 1986 to 1990 or five times the minimum wage as of January 1 of the corresponding year;

persons with group III disabilities due to war - 60% of the amount of monetary allowance.

Previously, we wrote about whether studying at a lyceum is included in the insurance period and whether they can refuse to grant a disability pension if the guard is absent.

Let us remind you which pensioners will not feel the increase in pensions. This applies to certain categories.

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