King Karota Pershiy - upright on the right city

20 October 2023, 12:11 | Ukraine
photo Odessa Daily
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The " King Karota Pershiy (Lova Vasiliev) vashtuvav royal palace - a golden mantle - on the beloved city of Anchen von Zabeltau - right on the front garden of the school subdivision.

It’s good that Duke Radish (Vanya Prosvetov) has forestalled Ankhen’s (Nikole Nemirovska) threat to sink to the ground, becoming the squad of a cruel conqueror who intends to bury all the kvitniki and towns of retinue. Poetry - immortal Mystery - the verses of Johann Goethe from the viconnian student of Amandus University (Artem Samotev) - vikonalised their right and began to emerge from the good memory of people of the approachable King Karotu.

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