How to pass a medical examination for a person with a disability: instructions for losing documents

28 July 2022, 10:16 | Ukraine
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In Ukraine, due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation and the occupation of some territories, many people with disabilities changed their place of residence and moved to other regions. It happens that when moving documents, including medical ones, are lost. The Ministry of Health has given an explanation of what should be done in such a situation..

What to do in case of loss of documents proving disability.

The Ministry of Health noted that in order to restore documents located in the temporarily occupied territory, it is necessary to contact the social protection authority, which has access to the Centralized Data Bank of Persons with Disabilities and can make an extract for a person or consult a doctor at the location and re-pass medical.

If persons with disabilities are abroad, they should contact their family doctor in Ukraine and send him medical documents. Accordingly, the doctor will issue a referral for the passage of MSEC. And the commission will conduct an examination in absentia on the basis of the documents provided.

The department recalled that during the martial law and six months after its termination/cancellation - in accordance with government decree No. 225 - Ukrainians have the right to apply to the MSEC to establish disability in absentia and regardless of place of residence or stay.

“That is, if a person does not have the opportunity to arrive at the MSEK, the commission can make a decision on establishing disability in absentia based on the direction of the healthcare institution,” the Ministry of Health explained..

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How to restore medical records.

To restore medical documentation, namely the results of examination, treatment, inpatient and surgical interventions, as well as rehabilitation recommendations, a person must contact a family or any other primary care doctor at the location.

The doctor will decide on the restoration of medical documents through the Electronic Health System and / or conduct additional examinations to restore further treatment.

If we are talking about the restoration of other documents or the renewal of MSEC certificates or the need to undergo a medical and social examination, in this case:.

a person can apply to the medical and social expert commission at the location;

MSEC doctors, together with doctors from healthcare institutions, will suggest ways to solve problematic issues.

The Ministry of Health emphasized that all medical and social expert commissions in the territory controlled by Ukraine are working as usual and, together with social protection authorities, help internally displaced persons in recovery, obtaining lost documents, as well as passing MSEC.

Recall that in Ukraine there is an opportunity to restore lost documents through " To do this, you should apply on the Diya portal to receive duplicate documents if their originals were lost due to the war.

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