Damage from Russian invasion in Luhansk region amounts to 2.5 billion hryvnias - head of the OVA

30 April 2022, 16:38 | Ukraine
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The damage to the Lugansk region from the invasion of Russia has already reached 2.5 billion hryvnia, said the head of the OVA Serhiy Gaidai.

“The Luhansk Regional Military Administration processed the data of 148 business entities regarding direct losses (current and non-current assets) caused as a result of hostilities. According to operational information, this amount is 2.5 billion hryvnia,” the message says..

It is noted that the collection of information on the damage caused to state, municipal and private business entities of the Luhansk region as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation continues..

“Summarized information is provided weekly to the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine for making appropriate decisions for consideration in international courts of cases on compensation for damage,” the head of the IAA notes..

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Earlier it was reported that in the Lugansk region, Russian invaders found clothes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, so they can prepare for provocations. This was stated by the head of the Lugansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai.

He does not know what kind of provocations the enemy is preparing, but he urged people to be vigilant.

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