Poland will help Ukraine with equipment for the restoration of telecommunications infrastructure

30 April 2022, 14:59 | Ukraine
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The leading Polish operator of terrestrial radio and television, Emitel, will provide television and radio broadcasting equipment to Ukraine free of charge to restore the telecommunications infrastructure that Russia is purposefully attacking, reports Gospetssvyaz.

The agreement on the supply of the first batch has already been signed.

Within a few weeks, four powerful digital television transmitters, three FM transmitters and antenna systems for them will be delivered to Ukraine.

“In the war that Russia unleashed against our state, the aggressor purposefully destroys the telecommunications infrastructure. Dozens of television transmission centers were damaged due to rocket attacks and bombing. Currently, the resumption of broadcasting is one of the key tasks of the Concern for Radio Broadcasting, Radio Communications and Television (CRRT) under the State Special Communications Service. It is very pleasant that friends from other countries came to our aid in this work, ”says the State Special Communications Service..

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The service reminds that Lithuania also took part in the restoration of the telecommunications infrastructure of Ukraine: they gave us 19 television and FM transmitters.

Also in terms of communications, Ukraine was supported by billionaire Elon Musk's company SpaceX, providing us with several thousand Starlink system terminals to provide satellite Internet access if there are problems with the other due to the war..

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