We must be prepared for the use of chemical weapons by Russia - Danilov

02 April 2022, 01:02 | Ukraine
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The Russian military can indeed use chemical weapons in Ukraine, and we must be prepared for this. Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov stated this on UA \u200b\u200bair: Together, Ukrinform reports..

He commented on the spread by Russians of lies about Ukraine's intentions to use chemical or biological weapons, saying that the spread of fakes is "

" We clearly have an awareness that they can do this on the territory of our country. We must be ready for this. Our medicine today has undergone some training in this regard.. We will assume that it will not come to this,"

The Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council also added that now not a single civilized country in the world wants to deal with the Russian Federation..

Earlier, Alexei Danilov said that Vladimir Putin seeks to destroy Ukraine before May 9 in order to end the war with a parade.

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