Ratification of the Rome Statute will allow more effective investigation of Russia's crimes in Ukraine - human rights activists

23 March 2022, 22:59 | Ukraine
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The full-scale military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation has fully activated the mechanisms for bringing the perpetrators to criminal liability for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of Ukraine since 2014. This is stated in the EU project “Pravo-Justice”, the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, the ZMINA Human Rights Center, the Ukrainian Bar Association and the Regional Human Rights Center.

It is noted that organizations support the ratification of the Rome Statute, which is the basis of the foundations of international criminal law..


It is also noted that the ratification of the Rome Statute will be an important event in strengthening diplomatic pressure on the Russian Federation and creating real prerequisites for holding its military accountable for all crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine since 2014..

" Also, the content of the Criminal Code of Ukraine will necessarily include provisions on crimes against humanity and war crimes, and the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine - on the features of the investigation of these crimes,"

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Russia is waging war against Ukraine for 28 days. More than 900 civilians have already died, including more than a hundred children..

12 million Ukrainians were forced to flee their homes to safer places in the country, several million became refugees abroad. Thousands of infrastructure destroyed.

The International Criminal Court has already begun investigating Russia's war crimes against Ukraine. The consideration process is accelerated by the fact that 39 member states of the Rome Statute have already applied to the Office of the Prosecutor of the ISS - their applications are considered immediately.

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