You can’t imagine the scale of the disaster in Mariupol from the crimes of Russia - video

16 March 2022, 01:37 | Ukraine
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If it seems to someone that they represent the scale of the disaster in Mariupol and the crimes of Russia, then this is not even close. This was stated by the Medics of the Azov regiment in a video message.

“We, doctors, around the clock under fire from enemy aircraft and artillery, try to help not only the military, but also civilians.. Because the ambulances no longer go and no one helps anyone. And not every bomb, hail, destruction is not just the wounded. These are torn off arms and legs, gouged out eyes, torn by fragments of the body, falling out insides.

I understand that it hurts to listen, because among the wounded and dead, perhaps, your relatives and friends, ”the message says..

The authors of the video urged not to allow them to simply die in Mariupol.

“You must understand the situation and act. Remind me of Mariupol. scream about him. We do not want to be heroes and martyrs posthumously, ”the doctors asked.

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Recall that in Mariupol since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than 2.3 thousand people have died during the blockade of the city..

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