The Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Righteous Anna: the history of the holiday

22 December 2021, 08:16 | Ukraine
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The day of the righteous Anna's conception is celebrated on December 22, since ancient times Anna has been considered a companion of women and pregnant women, they pray to her for easy childbirth and consider her their holy helper.

Saint Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary, was the youngest daughter of the priest Nathan of Bethlehem. Anna - in the future the mother of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God - became the wife of Joachim, a native of Gaul, in the city of Nazareth.

History of the feast of St. Anne's Day.

Saint Anna was childless for a long time, but twenty years after passionate prayers to the married couple Gabriel, the Angel of the Lord, brought the good news that they would become parents to a Daughter who would bring blessings to the whole world.

Anna conceived the Mother of God in Jerusalem. Most of the icons that depict the Conception of St. Anne have the face of the Most Holy Theotokos trampling the serpent with her feet..

See also: St. Nicholas Day: Happy Holidays.

Annually we celebrate Righteous Anna's Day on December 22nd according to the Julian calendar..

How and where to ask Righteous Anna for help.

In our country, there are many temples and churches in different cities, where you can come and ask for help from the saint.. Temples are located in Khotin, Chernigov, Volyn; in Kiev, in particular, there is a temple, built in 1679, which was opened on the Day of Conception by Anna of the Most Holy Theotokos, December 22. It is called that, Anna-Zachatievsky.

All women, girls, mothers and future parents can come to church or temple and pray to the saint, asking for health for loved ones, and pregnant women - for easy permission of childbirth..

Since ancient times, Saint Anna has been most revered by pregnant women, as well as by those whose health does not allow them to have a child, therefore, after praying and visiting the temple, many are healed by faith, having received the gift of being parents, including thanks to Anna the Righteous.

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