The American destroyer moored at the Odessa Sea Terminal

29 November 2017, 17:29 | Ukraine
photo Odessa Daily
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The ship was due to arrive yesterday, but the call was postponed for a day, because a storm could not get on board the destroyer. American destroyer James Williams came to Odessa port this morning. Ships of this class always moored in Odessa at the quays of the new container terminal of the Quarantine harbor, but today the destroyer stopped for the first time at berth 16 of the Seaport. Destroyers class "Arly Burke" - frequent visitors in Odessa, but today's visitor refers to the most modern modification of these ships. It carries more modern radio engineering equipment, has a large aviation hangar, in which two SH-60 "Sea Hockey" helicopters are deployed,. Only the destroyer "Jason Dunham," who stood in the roads of Odessa during the Sea Breeze exercises in 2012, was equipped with the same as today's guest.

"James Williams" was put into operation in December 2004. Its full displacement is 9600 tons. Length - 155 m, width - 20, draft - 9.4 meters. Four gas turbines with a capacity of 108 thousand liters. accelerate the ship to a speed of 32 knots. The 96 universal launchers may include Tomahawk cruise missiles, anti-air missiles Standard-2, Standard-3 and antisubmarine Asrok, as well as anti-ship missiles Harpoon,. The destroyer's crew is 380 people.

Ukraine badly lacks its own navy - National Interest.

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