Unidentified remain about a thousand dead in the ATU zone - the head of the mission "Black Tulip"

06 May 2017, 20:56 | Ukraine
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About a thousand Ukrainian soldiers and civilians who died in the area of ??the antiterrorist operation have not yet been identified.

Such data was sounded by the head of the search mission "Black Tulip" Yaroslav Zhilkin on the air of the TV channel "112. Ukraine "on Saturday, May 6.

"Based on the data voiced by the UN mission, the OSCE, and the International Red Cross, plus our data (it's all verified) - about a thousand people. Not only the military, it's civilians, who are still unidentified and unidentified in our country, "Zhilkin said..

He also added that several hundred unidentified bodies are located in the territory under Ukraine's control.

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