Scientists successfully cure animals of HIV

24 July 2023, 10:12 | Technologies
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American and Chinese doctors said they were able to remove HIV from the DNA of a living organism using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology. They reported the results of their work in the journal Molecular Therapy..

In a 2016 study, this group of scientists has already shown that it is possible to remove some fragments of the virus from DNA in most body tissues (the work was carried out on transgenic rats and mice).

In a new study, scientists succeeded in suppressing HIV-1 in transgenic mice by reducing viral RNA replication by 60-95%.. The animals tested were mice implanted with human immune cells, including virus-infected T cells.. After a single genome-editing operation, the virus was removed from all human cells in mouse tissues..

The scientists evaluated the effectiveness of treatment by the level of viral RNA and using the method they developed to “highlight” the virus.. “The imaging system, created by Dr. Yang at the University of Pittsburgh, allows you to observe in real time when and where the virus replicates, to see in which tissues and cells it is in a latent form,” said one of the authors of the work, Temple University neuroscientist Camel Hulmley..

In the future, the authors of the study expect to repeat it on primates, the next goal will be clinical trials..

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