The sun will swallow Mercury, Venus and the Earth: how it will happen

25 August 2022, 13:33 | Technologies
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All stars die, and our Sun is no exception.. It is quite logical that at some point in time, the star that supports life on Earth will cease to exist.. And with it, the entire planetary system will be destroyed..

In a new study that has been submitted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, scientists claim that when the Sun dies, it will devour Mercury, Venus and the Earth, reports BGR..

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But how such destruction will occur is not entirely clear.. In order to find out, the scientists ran several 3D hydrodynamic simulations.. This gave them the opportunity to consider possible scenarios for the development of events after the star swallows the planet.. Simulations have shown that they depend on the size of the planet and the current state of the star..

So, in some cases, due to the size of the Earth, it will not be completely absorbed like Venus and Mercury. At the same time, life on it will become impossible.. This will happen due to the fact that when the star enters the red giant stage, it will exhaust all of its hydrogen.. After that, the outer shells of the Sun will expand many times and swallow our planet..

In some scenarios, the Earth will be pulled into a much narrower orbit around the Sun, causing the dying star to kill it as well.. But in some other changes are possible that will lead to the emergence of a new world..

Now our Sun has reached the middle of its life, it is about 4.57 billion years old.. Somewhere in five billion years, it will begin to die.. And when that happens, the likelihood of a star destroying the Earth is very high..

Previously, scientists have proposed a new way to track solar activity. They call it the "

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