Elon Musk responded to Rogozin's threats over Starlink supplies to Ukraine

09 May 2022, 13:21 | Technologies
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Businessman Elon Musk, who, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, has taken the side of Ukraine and supplies terminals for access to Starlink satellite Internet to our country, responded to the threats of the head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin.

Earlier, he wrote that Musk handed over the terminals to the “Nazi Azov Battalion and Marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Mariupol”. According to Rogozin, “Musk is involved in supplying the fascist forces in Ukraine with military communications equipment” and “you will have to answer for this”.

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Musk did not leave Rogozin's attack unanswered and published two posts. In the first, he reacted to the fact that the head of Roskosmos called the battalion of Ukrainian defenders "

The word " twitter. com/pk9SQhBOsG.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 9, 2022.

In the second, Musk responded to threats from Rogozin, writing: "

If I die under mysterious circumstances, it's been nice knowin ya.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 9, 2022.

Recall that the first batch of Starlink satellite Internet stations from Elon Musk arrived in Ukraine in response to the request of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhail Fedorov. After the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Elon Musk activated the Starlink Internet for the first time over the territory of our country..

Musk's Starlink system helps the Ukrainian army track down and destroy invaders. Satellite communications are actively used in the army for communication in hard-to-reach places - Starlink has significantly improved this process.

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