NASA and Google discovered the eighth planet in orbit of the Kepler-90 star

15 December 2017, 15:10 | Technologies
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The US space agency discovered the eighth planet on the orbit of Kepler-90, making it the twin of our solar system. At the same time, this is the largest planetary system beyond our borders, known to mankind.

The Kepler-90 star is a bit hotter and bigger than the Sun. Up to this point, astronomers already knew that around her are seven planets.

The newly discovered eighth planet has small dimensions, and therefore, most likely it is solid, not gaseous, scientists believe.

The system is in the constellation of the Dragon at a distance of 2545 light years from Earth. Telescope Kepler discovered 100 Earth-like planets Programmers from Google used the type of artificial intelligence, so-called machine learning, to search for exoplanets that could not be detected by other methods.

Copyright holder of NASA Image Caption Computer Graphics: NASA's astronomical satellite Kepler with a telescope on board worked in orbit for three years and managed to find 135 Earth-like planets. The discovery was based on data collected by the Kepler telescope in 2000-2012. New Earth-Like Planet Found. Just 11 light years Telescope Kepler completed the mission to search for exoplanets The farthest planet in this system rotates at the same distance from its star as Earth from the Sun. The eighth planet was designated Kepler-90i; she makes a complete revolution around her luminary in 14 and a half days. Because of the proximity to the star, the temperature on its surface rises, according to estimates, to 425 degrees Celsius.

The method of machine learning has already helped to find one planet the size of the Earth, called Kepler-80g - it rotates around the other star.

Exoplanets - objects located in permanent orbits of stars - astronomers began to find in large numbers from the beginning of the 21st century. Now about 3.5 thousand. exoplanets. This is reported by BBC Russian Service.

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