Happy Birthday, iPhone! 10 years ago, Apple released its first smartphone

29 June 2017, 15:38 | Technologies
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Today it is difficult to remember what the world was without smartphones, and the era of pocket gadgets should still be counted from the iPhone. This event was one of the most iconic in the history of Apple and significantly influenced the development of the mobile phone industry and the alignment of forces of manufacturing companies, putting an end to the leadership of Nokia and BlackBerry.

In 2007, during a presentation at the MacWorld event, Steve Jobs raised his first iPhone. It is worth noting that this stunt co-founder Apple did not for the first time: before this was a gruesome announcement of iMac G3. Also the world perfectly remembered the announcement of iPod Classic with the words "1000 songs in your pocket". But still the effect from the iPhone was not just stronger, it affected the lives of millions of people and literally changed the world around us.

Prior to the announcement of the iPhone, there were all sorts of communicators, but they all had physical keyboards. IPhone became the first real smartphone - a touch keyboard and just a few physical keys. Here you can recall the short-lived era of the PDA or PDA - they all went to oblivion as soon as smartphones appeared, and all other flagship devices used cliches as the cliche "killer iPhone". Attempts were many and even some of them can be called successful, but after several dozen attempts, the iPhone is still alive!.

What was the first iPhone?.

-He was expensive: from 499 to 599 dollars.

-He was "zalochennym" for one operator AT & T. Thanks to this, by the way, a lot of craftsmen have appeared to unlock prehab from abroad the iPhone.

-In the first iPhone there was a 2 megapixel camera.

-Display of the iPhone was only 3.5 inches diagonal.

-In the iPhone there was 128 MB of RAM and 4, 8 or 16 GB of internal memory.

-He did not have a keyboard.

-The first iPhone had Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support, but there was no 3G support.

-App Store appeared only in March 2008.

Today it seems surprising, but the iPhone of the first generation was introduced on January 9, 2007, and the sale was received only on June 29, 2007. It turns out that 10 years ago it was possible to announce the device and release it six months after the announcement; Today from the announcement to the start of sales is literally a week or two.

And literally on the day of the announcement, the old foundations began to slowly die and the companies representing them: BlackBerry, Nokia, Microsoft did not see the future in devices with a touch-interface and smartphones, and as a result, all these three companies are only shadows of themselves. In addition to Microsoft, of course, they have a very lucrative and ongoing software business.

At the start, the iPhone was not surprising with a powerful camera - only 2 megapixels of resolution - then many photographic companies were not serious about cameras in the mobile phone, but after a few years people gradually began to leave their compact cameras at home and began sharing their pictures on smartphones right away on social networks.

For today, over 1 billion iPhones have been sold in the world: over the back ten long years. These years of change, in fact including thanks to Apple appeared Twitter, Instagram, and social networks Facebook and others have become even more convenient and accessible everywhere. The launch and development of smartphones has given impetus to the whole world: a huge number of start-ups and applications, augmented and virtual reality - over the years there was a lot!.

"It's amazing that starting from the very first iPhone and ending with the newest iPhone 7 Plus, it remains the gold standard that other smartphones.

For many of us, the iPhone has become the most important device in life, and we love it, "said Apple's vice president of marketing Phil Schiller.

In the early autumn of this year, Apple traditionally must introduce a new generation of iPhone. According to a number of rumors, iPhone 8 will get a lot of differences from the current smartphones Apple. In particular, the sources mention the frameless OLED displays, the built-in screen of the Touch ID scanner, the glass case, wireless charging support and a number of other innovations.

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