Every third developed VR / AR project will be an exclusive

29 June 2017, 09:59 | Technologies
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31% of developers who are currently working on projects in the field of virtual or augmented reality, are going to release their creations only on one of the existing platforms. This follows from a survey conducted by the organizers of the Conference of Developers in the field of virtual reality this year among 600 respondents (the event itself will be held in September). In a similar survey last year, only 10% talked about plans to issue exclusives.

In other words, a considerable number of developers believe that the chances for the success of their offspring will be greater if the product is released on a certain platform, and the others are considered as secondary, the transfer to which is possible in the future. This state of affairs can also testify to the efforts of platform manufacturers to attract developers to their side, because in itself exclusivity limits and so not a particularly large audience in the VR area.

Of those who create products for one of the existing platforms, 35% prefer the HTC Vive helmet. The second and third place was occupied by Oculus Rift and Gear VR with 13% each. HTC Vive remains the most popular helmet among developers: 56% of respondents are now developing projects for this platform, supported by Valve. In Oculus Rift, this indicator is 49%.

On the question of which platforms developers are going to create their next games, 52% are typing HTC Vive, and 50% - Oculus Rift.

Despite the talk that virtual reality offers new opportunities for markets outside of video games, most developers are still concentrating on the gaming industry. 78% of respondents attribute their products in the VR or AR area to games or entertainment. Training and training is the next popular sector, with 27%. Finally, the third choice of creators - branded environments, including demonstrations of cars or recreational facilities (19%).

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