The landing of the Falcon 9 rocket stage was recreated in augmented reality

29 June 2017, 09:48 | Technologies
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IOS developer by the name of Thomas Garcia with the help of the presented by Apple during the presentation of iOS 11 platform ARKit was able to realistically recreate the landing of the first stage of the rocket carrier Falcon 9 on the floating landing pad. A short recording from the screen of the iPhone 7 was published on YouTube.

The video captures the last seconds of landing the stage on a virtual platform, which is located on the surface of the pool. In general, the captured scene quite accurately recreates the picture of the landing.

As The Verge notes, this example of using ARKit suggests that the functionality of the platform can become a real "chip", which until now could not boast the latest models of the iPhone. The presented video also shows that the AR technology works successfully and without depth sensors, which are rumored to appear in future smartphones Apple.

Finally, the experience of Garcia and other developers suggests that the ARKit platform is easy to learn. So, Garcia himself noted that he had never worked with augmented reality, but together with his team he is actively preparing for the official release of iOS 11 c ARKit.

Recall, in recent days, the company SpaceX carried out immediately two successful landing of the first stages of Falcon 9 on different floating platforms. At the same time one of the steps landed a second time.

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