Browser inside Android apps has become safer

24 June 2017, 17:52 | Technologies
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One of the most commonly used components of the Android operating system is WebView. This is a micro-browser that allows you to browse web pages inside applications, without having to separately run the Chrome browser. However, access to the Internet opens the gate for various dubious personalities who are able to bypass the protection of devices. This problem developers from Google are taken seriously and take measures to enhance the security of WebView.

The company recently announced a couple of updates for this platform, including the protection of Safe Browsing in the WebView.

If the application requests a view of the site that was flagged in Google's phishing and malware databases, a warning will be issued to the user about this. Also, the WebView handler was placed in the sandbox so that the malicious code was harder to access the main application.

Developers will be able to enable Safe Browsing by adding only one line of code to their applications. Users do not need to do anything, you can browse sites inside applications as before, but now it's safer if it's not about older versions of the Android system.

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