The head of Alibaba predicted a reduction in 30 years of the working day to 4 hours

24 June 2017, 17:05 | Technologies
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In an interview with CNBC, the founder of commercial platform Alibaba billionaire Jack Ma said that in the future people will work less. After 30 years, the number of working hours will be reduced to four per day, and working days - to four per week.

"My grandfather worked 16 hours a day on the farm and considered himself very busy.

We work for 8 hours 5 days a week and consider ourselves very busy ", - quotes CNBC Chinese businessman.

In addition, people will be able to visit more places for recreation: "Ordinary people visit about 30 places. After 30 years, this figure will grow to 300 places on the planet, "- looks with optimism in the future Jack Ma.

This will be possible due to the automation of production on the planet, and the work will take a person much less time.

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