Manufacturers of smartphones switch to a 6-inch format

24 June 2017, 12:19 | Technologies
photo InternetUA
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Smartphone screens are getting bigger and bigger. According to industry sources, leading manufacturers of communicators, previously preferred a 5-inch form factor (12.7 cm), are preparing to raise the bar: flagship innovations, the release of which is planned for the second half of 2017 will receive displays more than 6 inches (15.24 cm) diagonally.

In particular, Galaxy Note 8 is expected in the second half of the year. According to insiders, Samsung will equip a high-end device with a 6.3-inch screen (16 cm). For comparison, its predecessor Galaxy Note 7 was equipped with a 5.7-inch panel (14.48 cm).

In fact, for Samsung 6-inch format is no longer a novelty. In the first half of 2017, the company released a Galaxy S8 Plus tablet with a 6.2-inch display (15.75 cm). Since users have well adopted a large-sized model, Samsung has established itself in its intention to further increase the format of the flagship line.

In the same direction moves and LG Electronics. In the second half of the year, it plans to release a 6.2-inch V30 smartphone. The previous version, the V20, has a 5.7-inch screen.

Chinese brands also increase the size of devices. For example, Xiaomi, which previously sold more than 3 million MiX fabrics, after seven months, introduced the next model of this series - Mi Max 2 - with a 6.44-inch display (16.36 cm). In addition, for the third quarter of Xiaomi scheduled release of smartphone Mi Note 3, which will be a direct competitor to Galaxy Note 8.

An ICT expert, whose opinion is led by the Korean edition of Business Korea, notes that the trend towards increasing screens is related to the preferences of buyers.

"More and more people want to watch videos simultaneously and enjoy social networks. The resolution of mobile games is also growing. For these reasons, the phabetts with larger displays are in demand, "the specialist believes.

In addition, the latest version of the Android operating system - Nougat - provides a multitasking mode Split-Screen Multitasking, when on one screen there are working windows of two applications. This also contributes to the popularity of large-scale models.

According to the forecasts of the analytical company IDC, the world supply of pills from 2016 to 2021 will grow by an average of 9.2%, and by the end of the period the volume of their shipments will reach 680 million units. For comparison, the supply of standard communicators at the same time will increase by an average of only 1.1% per year.

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