The court arrested the seized in the office "Yandex. Ukraine "in Odessa computer equipment

15 June 2017, 23:51 | Technologies
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Court seized seized in the office of the company "Yandex". Ukraine "in Odessa 185 laptops and 36 system units.

This is stated in the ruling of the court on June 1, Ukrainian News informs..

It is indicated that on May 29 the Security Service of Ukraine carried out a search in the office of "Yandex". Ukraine "in Odessa.

On May 30, the seized items and documents were inspected and recognized as material evidence.

"According to the report of the DKIB (Department for Counter-Intelligence Protection of the State in Information Security), the SBU of 30. 05. 2017, seized during the search "Yandex. Ukraine". Documents contain data on collection and accumulation, for the purpose of further transfer to the Russian Federation, information about personal data of citizens of Ukraine, objects of critical infrastructure of the state, "the court's decision says..

On computer and telecommunications equipment, according to preliminary estimates of SBU experts, there are signs of transfer by officials "Yandex. Ukraine "information to Russia.

Thus, seized items have signs of instruments of committing a criminal offense and can be used as evidence.

The court granted the application of the SBU and seized 185 laptops, 36 system blocks, as well as hard drives of computers, tablets, flash drives and all documentation.

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