What you need to know about cancellation of charges for roaming in the countries of the European Union

07 June 2017, 15:23 | Technologies
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Since June 15, the European Parliament decree comes into force banning operators from charging an additional fee for roaming services in the countries of the European Economic Area.

Tariffs for calls to EU countries, including the UK, sending SMS and mobile Internet access should be the same as in the country. This rule also extends to cellular communication with Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein.

Many operators have already adapted their current proposals according to the directive of the European Commission. However, any rule has certain exceptions, according to germania. One Existing contracts The tariff programs of some mobile service providers may not include roaming or limit the duration of calls. In this regard, the consumer is recommended to carefully read the contract, especially the items prescribed in small print.

Those who have already concluded contracts, there is nothing to worry theoretically about - the transition to new tariffs should be implemented automatically. Although experts from the Society for Consumer Protection advise nevertheless to clarify the information from their operator.

Additional charges Mobile phone calls abroad have limits provided for by Fair-Use. Those who use their SIM-card mainly abroad, may have to pay an additional fee, the size of which is not yet limited by clear instructions.

In addition, according to the Association of Telecommunications Service Providers (VATM), if the company can prove high losses incurred as a result of the customer using roaming services, she has the right to demand compensation within twelve months.

On cruise liners Important information for cruise travelers: on a ship calls even to EU countries can be very expensive. The European regulation does not apply to wireless networks used on the ship, so one minute of conversation can cost up to 10 euros. Those who are going on a cruise, before leaving, it is worth looking into the details of the agreement with the travel operator.

Upon arrival on board, you must disable the option of automatic network selection in your phone.

Expense limit Since outside the EU the new tariff rule does not work, you need to be careful in the border areas.

So, for example, near Switzerland, you need to change the phone settings to manual network selection.

Otherwise, the default transfer to the use of the network of a neighboring country can be quite expensive. It should be noted that at the present time, worldwide, there are cost-limiting functions for mobile communication in roaming.

Unless otherwise stipulated, the client must be informed upon reaching the spending limit, which, as a rule, is about 60 euros.

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