The European Union will launch free Wi-Fi in 8000 cities by 2020

01 June 2017, 18:30 | Technologies
photo InternetUA
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The European Commission announced that it has officially reached an agreement with the European Council and the European Parliament to launch the initiative WiFi4EU. It aims to provide villages and cities in Europe with free wireless Internet access by 2020, writes The Next Web.

The agreement provides for the installation of free wireless Internet access points in 6-8 thousand municipalities in the territory of different EU countries.

Details of the document have not yet been determined, but the agency stated that the application procedure for funding will make the process of installing Wi-Fi-points simple for local authorities.

The European Commission is going to give grants to villages and cities to purchase and install the necessary equipment for Internet connection.

The implementation of the initiative will be allocated $ 134 million.

Wi-Fi-points will be installed in parks, squares, hospitals, in squares and in other public places.

"WiFi4EU is the first step, but in order to achieve high-speed communication throughout the EU, much more needs to be done. For example, to improve the regulation of the radio spectrum in Europe and to stimulate investments in high-capacity communication networks that Europe needs, "said Andrus Ansip, Vice-President of the European Commission.

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